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Bocatec Lasershows und Eventtechnik

All posts in Big Events & Concerts

The 14th February 2014 around 2800 MLP employees met for their annual main seminar in the Estrel Hotel & Convention Center in Berlin. During this big meeting on Valentine’s Day the finance consulting company presented the new products and strategies to its staff. Bocatec escorted the presentations with a laser show that transported the content even more impressive. It’s your own fault if you don’t fall in love with your employer after this show.


MLP invests in employees
40 years MLP stands for qualified financial consulting of graduated professionals and ambitious customers. More than 800.000 private customers and 5000 company customers trust the financial service provider, this demands for permanent high-class training and continuing education of the consultants. So of course MLP doesn’t save on its employees. The annual meeting thus combines the imparting of the latest expert knowledge with the motivation of the employees through a varied program. The Estrel Center in Berlin is the biggest convention, entertainment and hotel complex in Europe. The top location in the capital and has made a name for its own entertainment program on an international basis. An optimal surrounding for MLP and Bocatec to realize a unique event.

Bocatec gets contents across
To get the company strategy across so that it reaches every colleague and get caught is a hard piece of work. Bocatec knows how to transport new concepts and present new products in order that they are well received. Therefore Bocatec designed eight different laser show intros and outros for the presentation parts of MLP. Framed by modern laser technics and surprising effects, the attention of the MLP people was assured to 100%.

Nine RGB laser projectors, four high-power fog machines and a hazer put the new insurance products on stage uniquely. As crowning finish Bocatec programed also an individual and futuristic laser show suiting the sound of Star Wars. Motivated and thrilled MLP employees were the result.