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Bocatec Lasershows und Eventtechnik

All posts in Logo Projection

The trade show Disco-Contact in Ibbenbüren is the national industry gathering within the clubbing scene. This was also on 16th October 2012. A successful mix of trade show, trainings and party. Bocatec pushed the party mood with 10 PM 3200 and 5 Piko 14 lasers. The booth of Bocatec, here as sales partner of Laserworld, illuminated the tent and the trade show ceiling with different company logos. The visitors were very interested, open and happy. Like this trade show is a great event.

How do you place a beer bottle onto a skyscraper?

No problem for Bocatec. In order to promote the beer brand Heineken extensively on a 120 meter high building, Bocatec flew to Da Nang via Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. We packed our new AV-Stumpfl Wings Vioso computer units for video mapping and 5 BARCO beamers with 26.000 AnsiLumen. On the 25th April 2013 the Heineken logo outshined the city and made some Vietnamese very thirsty for sure.

See yourself…


For the twelfth time in a row the leading trade show for scene and club gastronomy, the Discocontact took place the 12th October 2013 in Ibbenbühren close to Osnabruck. Bocatec presented its event technology and services to the industry experts and packed attractive complete packages for first-time-users and party pros.


The Discocontact is the annual branch event for clubs, DJs and music producers. On over 3000 square meters around the party temple AURA the club people meet since 2001. The trade show offers several tents and an exposition mix that meets all needs of the deciders of the scene gastronomy. Over the last years the Discocontact is really successful, more and more first-class exhibitors and visitors from Germany and abroad visited the trade show.

Bocatec is there to enable the visitors on the Discocontact and in their clubs to celebrate wildly and flashy in the future. A broad spectrum of disco lasers and projection technics with the full panoply of foggers, pyro technics and confetti-shooters up to control technics and a complete service package Bocatec is offering to the club operators. The owners of bars, clubs and discotheques were thus excited about the Bocatec trade show offers and visited the booth numerously. Next year on 14th October the next Discocontact will take place – Bocatec is looking forward to Discocontact 2014.


 „DHL – Die Haben Lohndumping“ (they do minimum wages) this clear statement against scandalizing and precarious working conditions at DHL the 100% subsidiary of the German POST war projected militantly by Bocatec for the labor union ver.di onto the façade of the Congress Center Hamburg.


At the 6th November the national work council of the German Post AG held a meeting in Hamburg. The boss of the company, Dr. Frank Appel faced not only 620 members of the work council but was also impressively criticized for the massive minimum wages and bad working conditions of the DHL subsidiary.

The united service work council (ver.di) engaged the projection experts from Bocatec to put up the blatantly obvious statement „Fair instead of precarious“. From 18 – 19pm Bocatec projected a 20 seconds loop of the motto „DHL – Die Haben Lohndumping“  with the help of a 14W RGB Piko Laser onto the 120 m high house wall of the CCH. A brave and very fast action, just two days before came the order, just 10 minutes before the projection, Bocatec put up the projectors.

The widely visible protest-projection should denunciate especially the insupportable conditions at the DHL Express Germany GmbH. Working times of up to 70 hours per week and hourly earnings of around 5 Euro are a DHL standard. Since 2006 the delivery is furthermore outsourced and so the contractors are out of the rate regulations. Like this the DHL saves full-time workplaces that are liable to insurance deductions and passes on the business risk to the contractors. These drawbacks should be clearly marked, so the target of the mission.

The regional head of the postal services, transport and logistics and ver.di-man Lars-Uwe Rieck war heavily thrilled by the successful Bocatec laser projection and the short-tern, cool and straightforward realization of the action. Bocatec was very happy to apply its laser technics this time so gladiatorial and proverbial demonstrative.

Passerbys in Munich’s train station, on the Salvator place, the Odeon’s place and in the  Sonnenstrasse were amazed the 19th November „einfachmachen“ (simply do). With this motto Microsoft roughed up the city with several guerilla actions for the launch of the new office package 365.

Microsoft hashtags in guerilla mode
Cheeky gorillas distributed bananas downtown and sprayed the hashtag #einfachmachen everywhere with chalk color onto streets and walls. Inside the train station a man weightlessly floated in front of a hashtag billboard. Bocatec threw the motto via video projection ultra large onto house walls. #Einfachmachen stands for the idea of new, mobile working in the cloud, that nothing can stop you from. With Office 365 every user should let his thoughts wander freely everywhere and on every device – unleashed and free. Representatively for the guild of new working several literature and creative bloggers met for a creative competition around #einfachmachen and tested the new possibilities of Office 365.


Bocatec works hypermobile
That computer towers, fix work stations and limited access to relevant documents don’t fit into the digital age, is also the opinion of Bocatec. Engaged by DL-Kommunikation the two Bocatec boys sprinted through Munich to put the message demonstratively in scene. With a 15.000 ANSI-Lumen beamer, two coupled generators and a special video software for geometric correction the commando was: „Transporter door open!”, “generators on!”, “beamer go!” and after 10-15 minutes head to the next location!“ So quick and convincingly Bocatec itself transacted the motto of the day with a surprise effect.

Bocatec „simply does“ make customers happy
Microsoft was impressed how much is visible on a house wall. Within the next weeks, Bocatec will immediately sit together and talk to the customer about the next Guerilla actions.


On Saturday evening the 23rd November the highest building of Germany, the Berlin television, became projection surface for Greenpeace and Bocatec. With the lettering „Save the Arctic“ Greenpeace appealed to the Russian investigative authorities to withdraw their charge against 28 Greenpeace activists and two Bild journalists.

Bocatec on the highest building of Germany
For the laser projection on the 368 meter high television tower Bocatec rented an extra hotel room. Two 20W RGB laser wrote then one hour long the message Save the Arcticin a loop on the tower. But then the police discovered the projector location and asked Bocatec to stop the action.


The story behind the mega projection
The 18th September 2013 Greenpeace activists wanted to fix a poster at the oil offshore platform  Prirazlomnaya in the Petschora sea. For this platform operated by Gazprom exists no sufficient emergency plans for a potential oil accident. It is the first platform in the arctic that should convey oil on a grand scale. Due to the rough weather conditions, every bigger oil accident can lead to an environmental disaster.

The peaceful protest action for the arctic that is threatened by climate change and industrialization ended then other than expected. The Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise and 30 activists got arrested by the Russian authorities by force without further ado. More than two month later indeed 28 of the „Arctic 30“ are at large on bail, but they are still threatened by multi-year imprisonments. Against this procedure Greenpeace now protest with manifold support, amongst others very public-oriented on the television tower with the help of Bocatec.

Save the Arctic“ extremely visible and effectual
The projection was a raving success for Greenpeace. Thousands of passerby people gazed at the tower and thus are perhaps now interested to learn about the backgrounds. Everyone who wants to support the release and freedom of Arctic 30 can write a message to the Russian authorities:

Bocatec is looking forward to the next eye-catching and brave action with Geenpeace, other projects are already planned.